A Robinz Nest

A blog to help you create a more fulfilling life. Sharing tips and stories on how to make the most of your years still to come. Plus pics of my dog 🙂

Happy Father’s Day

“The best fathers have the softest, sweetest hearts.

In other words, the best dads are real marshmallows.”

Slaying Dragons by Richelle E. Goodrich

I lost my dad to a massive heart attack. He was 59 years old. He smoked three packs of cigarettes a day (non-filter). He was a workaholic. He could be very, very stubborn. We, his children, rarely saw him. Being a restaurant owner was a 7-day-a-week, 16-hour-a-day profession. But, we had him on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day when the restaurant was closed. And when he did have a precious vacation, he would spend it with his family.

There were also special “daddy” moments in my life. I remember an evening I was quite sad. My friends had gone off to a school dance. Each had a date. No one had asked me. So, I went to bed teary-eyed. Late into the evening, I was awakened by my father. He sat on the side of my bed and held my hand. He listened as I told him my sad story. Then he gave me something to hold onto. It was a “daddy prophecy.” One day there will be a man who can see who I am, who will like who I am, who will love who I am. That man will treat me as the special person that I am. After my dad’s death, there would be two such men in my life (NOT at the same time). I’d say, “daddy prophecy” is some mighty powerful stuff!

Dad was kind to all. He was generous with friends and family. He passionately loved my mom. And he loved, loved, loved his children. In short, my strong, hardworking, talented father was a marshmallow. Just like all good fathers should be.

Happy Father’s Day Dad. I still miss you.

Picture of Dad & Mom

3 responses to “Happy Father’s Day”

  1. Arleen Ramirez Avatar
    Arleen Ramirez

    I loved that Robin! It brought tears to my eyes. I have such fond memories of your dad and I miss him.

  2. Kathleen Gates Avatar
    Kathleen Gates

    Beautiful story
    You are lucky to have had such a special dad.

  3. Laurie Avatar

    Robin you were very blessed having a wonderful father.

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