A Robinz Nest

A blog to help you create a more fulfilling life. Sharing tips and stories on how to make the most of your years still to come. Plus pics of my dog 🙂

Life & Chocolate

2 square pieces of bite-size dark chocolate

I had surgery on Monday. Many of you know that. They did it laparoscopically so I was able to go home that night. They made seven small incisions instead of five because, well, I’m special, you know. Although, I believe they used a different word that sounded a lot like ‘complicated.’ Anyway, I’m here and in less than a week I’m doing quite well. I was told it would be 2-6 weeks. I am going for two, of course. So, this has been your update.

When I turned 70, I decided it was a new lifetime for me. I have written before that I believe we all have lifetimes within this lifetime. From the moment I woke up, in recovery, I had two thoughts. First, I thanked God that I woke up. I must tell you that the night before, I sent my brother my funeral arrangements just in case I was that one percent… At least now he has it in case I am that 0.001% that is killed by a crashing airplane. For those of you who cannot handle morbid, I am just kidding. For those of you who can handle morbid, it is good to be prepared don’t you think?

Upon waking up, my second thought was that I could now start to implement my new 70’s decade lifetime. I have plans and I have many blank spots I can fill in as I go. For many, those blank spots are a scary thought. Not for me. I took care of my funeral plans so everything else is free time. After 70, as a widow, it is all free time as long as you have time left. Gosh, I could do everything, and anything, as long as I am healthy, and for possibly the next 25 years. Or, I could live the way I want to right now and go earlier than I planned. But at least I will have no regrets (from this moment on.)

Age 70 came upon me so fast. Talking about regrets, I am just sorry I did not write about my first 60 years. I will not find that same regret in my 70s.

Yesterday I allowed myself two bite-size pieces of Dove chocolate. Each had a little sage saying on the inside of the wrapper.

“You made it this far. Keep going”
“Embrace the everyday miracles.”

I’m going to have to eat more chocolate in the future.

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