…And Forward
Have you ever thought about doing something special but never imagined yourself doing that something because life called you to do some other things? Maybe you thought you did not have the talent to do that something. Perhaps you have believed more in those imaginary critics, who would surely confirm your own fears of failure, than you have believed in your actual ability thus quenching your own desire to simply try.
All of the above described me.
As always, I thank Sharon Rose, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman with a beautiful spirit, because she wanted to start a journaling class. Not allowing myself time to think, because all of the above excuses would have jumped on me like fleas on a dog, causing me to be distracted by them, and missing the moment that would begin to change my life, I went and signed up. I signed up first!
This Blog was started in November of 2023 (on my husband’s art site). It is time to give that site back to his memory and to his art. It is time to embark on my own journey and I would welcome your company.
I guess we can have a mid-life crisis at any age and maybe this is what I was going through, but now, I am determined to take it as far as I can into the next decade. You see, as of writing this I am soon to be 70. It’s possible I have just lost some of you younger readers, but if you stick with me you might learn how to live your life to the fullest every day and at any age. That is my wish for you. Anyway, I decided, why not make my 70’s the best decade of my life. Why not make your current decade the best of your life?
So, here goes…I am starting to take Italian lessons. I am planning a trip (in a year or so) to Italy to see some tourist sites and then settle in to a house by the ocean, on one of the islands, for one full month where I can really begin to learn the language. Until then I will write about my daily journey, as well as write ideas and thoughts about life in general. All of this is where A Robinz Nest comes in.
Oh, by the way, I am learning Hand Signing (for the deaf). Why not? I did mention something about mid-life crisis, right? I think it’s got me bad. Anyway, come with me on this journey.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1
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